Controversial men's Health and wellness coach Amerix has given women tips on navigating the modern world's chaos and mediocrity.


The coach gave women a few tips on how they can navigate the crazy dating scene. His first tip was that women should take care of their physical health by being active and eating healthy. He has always been an advocate for both men and women to unfat. 

He advised women to stay away from hormonal contraceptives and avoid terminating pregnancy unless it is for medical reasons. Abortion is considered illegal in Kenya and only permitted when the mother is in danger, or the fetus is not viable.

PHOTO | COURTESY dating tips

Amerix advised women to avoid alcohol dens and alcohol binges, saying that alcohol will turn them into losers with no morals. He urged women to respect themselves and stick to their values.

Another contentious topic is sex. In a world that tells women to explore their sexuality, amerix advises women to maintain the sanctity of sex. He believes that sleeping with men who don't deserve you destroys your spirituality; hence, you will be sleeping with different men to restore the sanctity of sex.


" Sex is sacred. It is the core of your soul. Once you defile it by sleeping with men who don't deserve it, then it will be difficult to restore it. Your spiritual life will go down the drain in misery. You will be jumping from bed to bed in search of restoration." he posted

he advises women to embrace their femininity and womanhood. He says that wearing thongs is bad because it introduces harmful bacteria into the vagina and that women should avoid tight clothes and those with bold prints. 

If you are a woman who wants to rise above

Amerix says that dating fuck boys and mama's boys is a terrible idea because they will get you pregnant and then leave you to struggle with the baby.