A fan of Samidoh commented on his post, addressing the issue of shout-outs. The fan questioned the necessity of these interruptions, expressing concern that they disrupt the flow of the song, which may not be favorable. He suggested that Samidoh could show gratitude to his sponsors by including mentions at the conclusion of the video recording instead.

He advised him to leave behind the practices of the 1960s and adapt to the 21st century. He shared his own experience of being mentioned in two songs by a musician, expressing his dissatisfaction with it. He concluded by emphasizing that all mentions should be reserved for the end of the song and not inserted midstream.

This attracted Samidoh attention and he replied showing that he understood the fan and what he was trying to communicate. “I have heard you sir” he said. 

Samidoh's popularity stems from his informative lyrics and exceptional vocal talent, making his songs some of the most cherished in Kikuyu culture. The Mugithi star shared insights on the promotional strategies typically employed in songs, sparking conversations among Kenyans.

He said that them as Kikuyu musicians when they reach the song halfway you will hear them talking about their promoters where he posted some of the people he talks about in his songs.