Although each lady has her own preferences for lipstick, the liquid is currently the most popular.

Because they provide vibrant hues and long-lasting wear, these lipsticks have become increasingly popular. They appeal to many women as a result.

Applying lipstick is an entirely different process from purchasing it. Now, there are a few essential dos and don'ts to remember so that liquid lipsticks always look their best.

Exfoliate Your Lips First


Doing this will eliminate dead skin cells and leave a smooth surface for the lipstick. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles or a lip scrub to gently exfoliate your lips. Be careful since some toothbrushes are overly abrasive and could damage your lips.

Use Lip Primer


Lipstick won't bleed or feather if a smooth foundation is on the lips using a lip primer. It will help the lipstick last longer.

Use A Lip Brush

 Using a lip brush will allow for more precise application and help create a cleaner, more defined look.

Limit The Amount Of Lipstick You Use

Applying too much liquid lipstick at once increases the risk of colour bleeding or feathering and creating an uneven appearance. Start slowly and increase as needed.


Line your lips 

Before applying liquid lipstick, line your lips to help create a crisp, defined edge and stop bleeding or feathering. You can use a transparent lip liner or one the same colour as your liquid lipstick.

Blot Your Lips

Blotting your lips is one thing that you will need not forget. After applying the liquid lipstick, use a tissue or blotting paper to blot your lips. These will help to remove any excess product and create a more matte finish.

Touch up throughout 

Liquid lipsticks can last for several hours, but they may need touch-ups throughout the day to maintain colour and shine. Keep a small mirror and your liquid lipstick with you for quick touch-ups.

Do experiments with different colours and finishes

Liquid lipsticks come in a wide range of colours and finishes, from matte to glossy. Experiment with different shades and finishes to find the ones that work best for you.

Liquid lipsticks can be an excellent choice for long-lasting wear and vibrant colours. However, it's essential to remember the dos and don'ts of applying liquid lipsticks to ensure they look their best. Exfoliate your lips, use a lip primer, apply the lipstick with a lip brush, don't apply too much lipstick at once, line your lips, blot your lips, touch up throughout the day, and experiment with different colours and finishes. Following these tips can achieve flawless liquid lipstick look every time.