A 32-year-old man has been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for defiling a 15-year-old girl in Voi town, Taita Taveta County.

Bryson Mwanyange Mwangala is alleged to have defiled the girl on February 6 in Lokichogio village in Maungu.

Five witnesses on Wednesday testified in the case.

Chief Magistrate Mildred Obura ruled that the case had been proven and that Mwangala failed to disassociate himself from the offense of defilement, contrary to Section 8(1) as read with Section 8(3) of Sexual Offence Act No. 3 of 2006.

Further, he said that the prosecution proved the core ingredients of the age of the minor, penetration, and an act of defilement in proving the case against the accused.